• Akoochakian, Mahdieh Comparison of isokinetic strength of shoulder rotator muscles among volleyball players with and without scapulae dyskinesia [Volume 16, Issue 39, 2024, Pages 97-110]


  • Ghorbanipour, Atefeh The effect of 8 weeks of TRX, proprioceptive and combined training on strength and range of motion of the shoulder joint in female athletes with a history of shoulder dislocation [Volume 16, Issue 39, 2024, Pages 17-32]


  • Hoseinpour, kimia Evaluation of Running Mechanics in New and Old Polyurethanes Military Boots in Males with and without Pronated Feet [Volume 16, Issue 39, 2024, Pages 47-66]


  • Jafarnezhadgero, AmirAli Evaluation of Running Mechanics in New and Old Polyurethanes Military Boots in Males with and without Pronated Feet [Volume 16, Issue 39, 2024, Pages 47-66]


  • Matinhomaee, Hasan Interaction of lateral core stability muscles and kinetic variables in the Medio-lateral direction according to the level of physical activity [Volume 16, Issue 39, 2024, Pages 33-46]

  • Minoonejad, Hooman Comparison of isokinetic strength of shoulder rotator muscles among volleyball players with and without scapulae dyskinesia [Volume 16, Issue 39, 2024, Pages 97-110]

  • Mirnasuri, Rahim The effect of 8 weeks of TRX, proprioceptive and combined training on strength and range of motion of the shoulder joint in female athletes with a history of shoulder dislocation [Volume 16, Issue 39, 2024, Pages 17-32]


  • Norouzi, Gholamreza Comparison of isokinetic strength of shoulder rotator muscles among volleyball players with and without scapulae dyskinesia [Volume 16, Issue 39, 2024, Pages 97-110]


  • Piran hamlabadi, Milad Evaluation of Running Mechanics in New and Old Polyurethanes Military Boots in Males with and without Pronated Feet [Volume 16, Issue 39, 2024, Pages 47-66]


  • Sadeghi, Heydar Interaction of lateral core stability muscles and kinetic variables in the Medio-lateral direction according to the level of physical activity [Volume 16, Issue 39, 2024, Pages 33-46]

  • Seyedi, Mohammadreza The effect of 8 weeks of TRX, proprioceptive and combined training on strength and range of motion of the shoulder joint in female athletes with a history of shoulder dislocation [Volume 16, Issue 39, 2024, Pages 17-32]