Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student of Corrective Exercises and Sports Injuries, University of Tehran

2 Professor of Sports Medicine, University of Tehran

3 Associated Professor of Corrective Exercises and Sports Injuries, University of Tehran

4 Associated Professor of Biomechanics, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

5 Assistant Professor of Corrective Exercises and Sports Injuries, Sport Sciences Research Institute of Iran


The purpose of this study was to compare maximum vertical, and posterior ground reaction force and loading rate between flexible flatfoot and normal foot football players in single leg drop – landing from 30 cm height. 10 flexible flatfoot and 11 normal foot football players participated in this study. After warm- up and familiarization with single leg drop-landing task, each participant performed 5 successful trials. The results showed that, there is no significant difference in maximum vertical ground reaction force, maximum posterior ground reaction force and loading rate between flexible flatfoot football players and normal foot football players. Kinetic parameters in flexible flatfoot football players probably can’t be result in injury incidence in this population.


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