Document Type : Research Paper



The main purpose of the present study was to investigate the kinematics and kinetics of successful versus unsuccessful basketball free throws using data from picture analyzer program and dynamic modeling. Six professional basketball players (age = 23±2.09 years) participated in our study. The picture analyzer program was designed in MATLAB software to convert the two-dimensional coordinate obtained from two cameras picture (u & v) to the joints angles. The joint angles were given as input to the dynamic model. Outputs were obtained kinetic data including the angular impulse and maximum torque. Wilcoxon test using SPSS statistical software version 18 was used to compare successful and unsuccessful free throws at significant levels of 0.05. The results showed that wrist joint (p ≤ 0.046) had significantly more flexion in successful versus unsuccessful shots while elbow (p ≤ 0.028) remained significantly less flexed in successful shots. Wrist and elbow angular velocity was found to be significantly higher in successful versus unsuccessful shots at the time of ball release. The results showed that there were no significant differences between successful and unsuccessful free throws in angular impulse but in successful free throws, wrist maximum torque was more than it in unsuccessful free throws (p ≤ 0.046). In general seems increase the wrist angular velocity that it is due the greater torque, had been effected on successful free throws.
