Document Type : Research Paper


1 Shahid Beheshti University, velengak, Tehran, Iran

2 1. MSc, Department of Sport science, Islamic Azad University, science and research branch, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Sport Sciences Research Institute, Tehran, Iran.


Background and Aim: Functional movementscreen-) FMS (and Y balance- test are functional assessment tools with some specific relevance. However, information regarding a potential relationship between these assessments and Hop test is still insufficient. Additionally, the FMS and Y balance are used to predict the risk of sport injuries occurrence. Currently, no research is available on the differences in FMS, Y balance, and Hop test between groups with high and low risks of sport injuries.
Materials and Methods: One hundred and thirty-one premier league young adolescents (man/woman) volleyball players from Zanjan Province (age=15.78±1.83 years old; height= 176.30±7.07 cm; weight= 67.56±6.18 kg; BMI=21.74±1.63 kg/m2) participated in this cross sectional study. The pre-participation screening consisted of FMS, Y balance, DEVIS, and Hopping test has been recorded during the pre-season time. All participants followed the routine training in season. Volleyball players were divided based on the FMS score considering scores ˃14 as low risk criteria and ≤14 as high risk criteria of sustaining musculoskeletal injury. The correlations of composite and individual item scores of these assessments were analyzed, and the differences between groups with high and low risks of sports injury were compared.
Results: independent t test showed the Y balance, DEVIS, and Hopping tests scores were all significantly higher in athletes who got FMS scores ˃14 comparing to those who got FMS scores ≤14.
Conclusion: the result showed functional movement test scores are different among volleyball players with/without high risk of sustaining musculoskeletal injuries. Athletes who get FMS scores ≤14 (whom are likely to sustain injuries) are supposed to have lower scores on other functional movement tests as well. It is therefore suggested that functional movements screening tests might be of use for recognizing those athletes with higher risks of sustaining musculoskeletal injury.


Main Subjects

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