Document Type : Research Paper


1 Tehran Azad University, Center of Imam Ali Faculty of Physical Education,

2 Assistant professor of physical education and sport sciences faculty of kharazmi university

3 Assistant Professor of Imam Ali Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Tehran Branch, Tehran Center, Iran


Background: Exercise intervention programs can improve the negative effects of aging on gait patterns. But effectiveness of task constraints base intervention on gait pattern is unclear.
Therefor the aim of current study is investigation effectiveness of task constraints manipulation spatiotemporal parameters of gait of elderly adults.
Methods: Thirty elderly people were selected to participate in the research, and they were randomly divided into control and intervention groups. The intervention group participated in task constraints manipulation exercises for 8 weeks (3 times per week), while the control group didn’t do any interventions. The gait parameters were evaluated using the Gait Analysis Zebris system.
Result: The result of ANCOVA test revealed a significant improvement in the stride length, cadence, gait velocity, variability of velocity (P<0.05). stride time didn’t show any significant deference(P=0/07).
Conclusion: task constraints base intervention can improve the gait parameter and lead to decreasing of falling risk and its consequences.
Key word: Gait, Elderly, Falling. task constraints, Balance


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