Document Type : Review Paper


1 phd candidate of sport biomechanics, central branch islamic azad university

2 Assistant Professor in Sport Biomechanics, Department of Sport Biomechanics and Technology, Sport Science Research Institute, Tehran, Iran.

3 Full professor of Anatomy, Molecular and Cell Biology Research Center, Faculty of Medicine

4 Assistant Professor, Sports Biomechanics Department, Physical Education and Sports Sciences Faculty, Islamic Azad University of Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran


The effect of exercise and its intensity on the biomechanical parameters of Achilles tissue is a clear challenge for researchers in this field. Therefore, this study aimed to conduct a systematic review of the studies conducted in the field, the effect of exercise training on biomechanical characteristics of Achilles tendon, and how the reported characteristics of Achilles tendon may affect rehabilitation after Achilles tendon injury. For this review, studies conducted from 2020 to November 2023 were selected. Keyword searches were conducted in four reputable databases, Google Scholer, Pub Med, Web of Science, and Scopus. According to PRISMA، the selected report cases were carried out for systematic review and meta-analysis. And a combination of search terms including "Achilles Tendon", "Stiffness", and "Exercise Biomechanics" were combined with syntactic words and combined with the Boolean AND command and linked to the Boolean OR command. Finally, the biomechanical characteristics of the tendon were investigated by two factors stiffness and interventions of exercise or rehabilitation of Achilles tendinopathy and its variables. tendinopathy should be applied adequately in external force exercises. There were significant correlations between tendon stiffness and different activities and the total rupture score of Achilles tendon (ATRS), The high-load intervention creates significant mechanical and morphological adjustments in the plantar flexor muscle-tendon unit. This may help protect the tendon from damage caused by stretching. High-load intervention can be considered an effective therapeutic protocol (alternative) in the management of AT injury rehabilitation. Therefore, choosing appropriate exercise and rehabilitation of the Achilles tendon is very important.


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