Document Type : Research Paper


1 Sports Biomechanics ,Institute of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Iran, Tehran

2 Department of Mechanical Engineering-Shoushtar Branch- Islamic Azad University- Shoushtar-Iran


In previous studies, the identification of head injuries was based on single parameter criteria. While considering several parameters in the evaluation of head injury, more accurate information can be obtained. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate and analyze the single-parameter and multi-parameter criteria of head injury in collision sports. By using previous studies and simulation with Adams software, single parameter criteria (linear and rotational accelerations) were obtained, also using a combination equation of linear and rotational accelerations, multi-parameter criteria was calculated. The results showed that rotational accelerations in impact sports were higher than the concussion threshold. Linear acceleration was above the head injury threshold only in taekwondo in the sports studied. In the examination of multi-parameter criteria, none of the sports studied were exposed to the threshold of head injury. In general, the results indicated that the criteria of head injury in taekwondo were high compared to other martial arts. On the other hand, combined criteria of head injury, unlike single parameter criteria, cannot lead to head injuries in collision sports.


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