Document Type : Research Paper



the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of functional stabilization training on trunk muscle electromyography activity of physically active female with trunk control deficit and prone to Anterior Cruciate Ligament injury. Electromyography of Gluteus Medius, Quadratus Lumborum, Transverse Abdominis/Internal oblique, External Oblique was performed on twenty five active females with trunk control deficit before and after 6 week functional stabilization training and activation of muscles calculated in 100 mili second after initial contact in landing. The results indicated that there are significant differences between post test of control and experimental groups in muscles activations that indicating the effectiveness of functional stabilization training. Based on this study results, activation of muscles reduced after 6 week of functional stabilization training. This reduction revealed that neuromuscular control of this muscle was improved and subjects can do the same task with lesser energy consumption.


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