Document Type : Research Paper


1 Semnan university

2 Faculty Member / University of Mazandaran

3 سمنان، خیابان فتح المبین، خ شکوفه دوم، پلاک 50


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of walking training with the auditory rhythmic stimulation on the static and dynamic balance of blinds. The current research method is semi-experimental and practical in terms of purpose. In this study, 20 congenitally blind adolescents were selected voluntarily and based on the inclusion criteria and randomly divided into two control and experimental groups. The experimental group practiced for 18 sessions, each session lasting 20 minutes, with external attention instructions using auditory rhythmic stimuli. Static and dynamic balance was evaluated using foot scan before and after the intervention. Data analysis was done using parametric covariance method and non-parametric bootstrap method at a significance level of 0.05. Results between the pre- and post-test of the center of pressure surface (P=0.629) and the distance of the center of pressure (P=0.613) to determine the static balance and the range of the center of pressure in the anterior-posterior path (P=0.063) and the internal path- External (P=0.428) didn't show a significant difference to determine the dynamic balance in groups. However, the decrease in the number of surface and distance of the center of pressure and increase in the number of the range of center pressure in the two anterior-posterior and internal-external directions, respectively, indicated the improvement of the static and dynamic balance of the people in the experimental group. Results show that such interventions can be used to improve the balance of the blind. However, to support such interventions, more studies are needed in this field.


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